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Dispatch Gallery is an extension of Unpacked Mobile Gallery as a remote option. The mission is to call on international and domestic artists who work in video, audio, spoken word, and live performance. The gallery involves live stream performance, interviews, and soon to come RealArtist Talk podcast.


This year has shown artists are more connected than we think. Studio practices and the distribution of work has shifted to virtual platforms. At Dispatch Gallery we want to create a platform where artists can collaborate, showcase their work through performance, video and film screening, and artist interviews.


Dispatch is about inclusion and diversity, bringing together artists with culturally and diverse identities such as persons of color, LGBTQ, Transgender and Gender non-conforming, immigrants, women and individuals who do not identify with the mainstream culture. Dispatch is committed to showcase artists that are not able to perform in a brick and mortar gallery. Online platforms and collaboration will be the future for artists!

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